Let’s say you have finished writing the first draft of your piece. What should be done after this? That’s right, celebrate! If you finished your first draft, then you have gone beyond most colleagues who dream of becoming writers but write almost nothing. Now the next stage begins, which is more labor-intensive than writing the text; it is editing, paper editing.
Algorithm complete editing paper
Why is editing more important than writing a text? Reason one: The quality of the text, and therefore the popularity of your college paper, is determined not by how well you wrote a draft but by how many flaws you found and eliminated. It is impossible to write perfect text in one sitting, but you can get closer to perfection by competently editing it, paper editing.
Far from everyone is good at academic editing; however, some people can provide academic editing services online and edit any college paper on a professional level. Every editor working for essay-editor.net is a master of the editing craft.
Reason two: Get the most out of the editor. After you clean up the text yourself, it will go to the editor, a native speaker. If there are many typos and simple errors in the text, the editor will clean them up. If it gets high-quality text, then the editor will be able to focus on less obvious mistakes, up to plot flaws.
Let’s say you paid the editor 1,000 euros to edit your text. If the text is raw, then for this money you will get the result that you would have achieved yourself. If the text is as polished as possible, then for the same money you will eliminate defects, the existence of which you would not even think about.
Paying an academic editor to correct spelling mistakes is like hammering under the microscope.
Reason three: Opportunity to outflank competitors. Many people know how to write texts, but those who can bring the text to a condition in which it looks professional and can be published are much less. Let’s say we have 10 writers at the start. Everyone has a brilliant idea for a book that will “turn the world upside down.” Let’s say eight of them wrote the first draft. Of these eight, half will not want to edit the text at all due to laziness; therefore, they will not be able to publish it. Four out of 10 people remained at the start. One will start editing but not finish. There are three left.
Let’s assume you are one of these three. Whose book will have the greatest success in the end? All other things being equal, it is the author who most thoroughly identifies and removes defects in the text. If you are the type of person for whom literature is the only way to succeed, then here is your chance to “take out” the competition: you must do the editing work more thoroughly than everyone else does such services.
Stages of a long journey
The editing work can be divided into the following steps:
1) Determine what we should do to maximize the quality of the text.
2) Develop a work plan online or on paper.
3) Carry it out. Let’s consider each of them in more detail.
Stage 1: Make a list of operations to improve the text
Editing text is complex and easier to master when we break down a large task into simple operations. Where can I get information on improving the quality of English text? There are at least three sources:
1) Rulebooks,
2) Tips from successful authors,
3) Own the findings.
Tips from successful authors
The second source of information on improving the text is the books of successful authors. It all depends on who you consider a master and who you want to learn from. Unlike the basics of grammar and style, which are the same for everyone, different successful authors may have different opinions about:
- topics (what is worth writing about: what do you know or what society needs?);
- style (should the author write in such a way that even the truckers understand him, or in such a way as to use all the possibilities of the English language?);
- design of your ideas in general (for example, the use of outrageousness, scandalousness, violations of taboos, etc.).
Own finds
The third source of recommendations for improving the text is your inventions and observations, as well as ideas that you have gleaned from nonliterary sources. All rituals that help you work effectively fall into this category.
Nonliterary sources are, among other things, the material that life itself gives you. Fight with your neighbor? Write down how you felt and thought immediately after the fight, while the thoughts and feelings are fresh. How he called you names, what you said in response, the expression on the faces of the police. Perhaps one of your heroes will find himself in a similar situation, and this story will help make the text more alive.
You walk down the street in the winter on a dark evening, when at the same time the cold strikes to the bone and the slush flows into the shoes with holes. You walk slowly so as not to slip on the ice and fall like that unfortunate one over there. At the same time, the wind, as cold as the heart of your ex, whips in the face so that the skin stiffens, and it seems that blood is about to flow from the cracks. Not even enough strength to swear But you are a man of art! Take the phone with trembling hands, put on the headset, and dictate how you feel and think at this moment. And when you get home, zip the material into Evernote. When you need to lead your character through the circles of hell, this material can come in handy.
Finally, sometimes original words come to mind when you don’t expect them at all. Sometimes, in the heat of the discussion, the interlocutors give out pearls like “That lady, of course, is far from crème brulee, but if you file her down, then it will do for a collection.” Such phrases must be recorded at the moment they arise; otherwise, everything will be forgotten.